Trade Offs - When more than money is on the line...

Trade Offs - When more than money is on the line...
DVD available at

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Is my story worth telling? Questions you need to ask before shooting your first film

It is always difficult for a new writer/filmmaker to make a call on when the script is ready for shoot. Essentially, the script is the blueprint for the film. The script can be changed till it is shot and often (read always) changes in the editing room. However, it is always cheaper to change the script on paper. Let me emphasize this. Take your time writing and then re-writing the script.

In my case, I was confident that my script was complete. My friend Asit came up with an excellent title for the script. “Trade Offs”.

A Script is a dynamic document. It constantly changes. Shooting a script is simply capturing the story at that moment. As you evolve from script to production to post-production, it becomes increasingly hard to change the story. So, before you declare that the script is ready ask yourselves the following questions:

  • Who is the audience of the film?
  • Am I making the film for myself? Film festival audience? Art house audience? Internet audience? Mass audience?
  • How can I reach the audience for my film?
  • Do I have resources to reach the audience? Marketing dollars?
  • Are locations or actions in my script within the scope of my budget?
  • Film is a visual medium. Is my script “telling” the story or “showing” the story?
  • Can I cast characters in my film easily based on my schedule and budget?
  • Is there a conflict in my central story? Clear theme? Are all sub-plots serving the central theme?
  • Do all the scenes in my script serve a purpose? Does each scene propels the story ahead or deepens a character?
  • Does the script follow the three act structure? Are all the plot points and beats in place?
You can rebel and make a statement and say “I don’t have to follow the rules. F*ck the rules. I know the story very well. I will tell it without any structure” In order to break the rules; you need to know them If this is your first project, you better know the rules very well and master them. Break them later if you wish.

Above are a few questions, I am struggling with in my second project. I have a first draft ready, but I want to work more on it, till I get it right. Remember it is a lot cheaper to change it on paper.

I am very impressed by a recent film called Hard Candy. The film has 2 main characters and only 3 additional characters. It is shot in 2-3 locations, most of it shot in a house. The performances are incredible, the script is tight and direction is impeccable. I am most impressed by the producers of the film. They seemed to have understood their audience and chose/wrote the script to match their exact goals. I strive to make a film like that. One day. One day soon…

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Achoo I love you! trailer

Trade Offs Trailer